DEEP FOREST Just Weimaraner (Sam)
Mâle choisi avec soin pour notre portée 2021
Issu de:
Sire: Int. CH, Multi CH Mr President Imperium Star
Dam: PL CH Iron Etna Imperium Star
Breeder: Justyna Majewska Czerny
DOB: 20-10-2010
Size / Weight: 68,5 cm / 34 KG
DNA ISAAG 2006 stored
Correct scissor bite & compete teeth
No white marks
* TOP #5 gun dog - all breeds -of The Netherlands in FT blood tracking 2014
* FCI Working Certificate
* Multi Winner
* Multi Excellent
* Zw-F I.merit
* Zw-E I.merit
* Zw-C I.merit
* SWD III.merit (Verband Schweissprüfung NL)
* Special Water test (Wa)
* Sv
* KNJV B diplom (3rd place out of 55 dogs)
* KNJV C diplom (2nd place out of 36 dogs)
* Approved Working Dog of the Dutch Weimaraner Club
* Selected for the GPJC Coldewey (a 2 days pentathlon for the 24 best pointing dogs)
* Practical hunter for all disciplines
Sam is a good size, masculine dog with strong bones, a beautiful head, amazing chest and lovely amber coloured eyes.
Sam has a powerful and long-range movement.
He is an excellent and versatile hunter.
He is very passionated, always reliable, with an outstanding nose and a huge will-to-please.
Sam loves to work and is doing his job controlled, fearless and without any doubt.
He has a natural sharpness against predator and wild boar without any compromise.
Sam is doing a great job before and after shot and is used for all hunting disciplines.
Further more he is an extraordinary dog for blood tracking.
In this speciality he is one of the very best SH Weimaraner in the Netherlands.
Sam's excellent exterior is confirmed by international judges all the few times when we visited shows.
He was Best Puppy in Breed, Junior BOB, Junior Winner and has Multi Excellent.
Sam opened NL CH, German CH VDH and International CH C.I.B.
Beside all of this Sam is a very smart, friendly, open minded and tolerant dog who is always alert and who has a natural protect instinct.
Sam is also a very happy dog who lives to make fun.
He loves kids very much and is an important & full member of our family.
The pedigree of SAM combines some of the best representatives of the breed coming from American, Australian and Brazilien breeding kennels.
On his Dam?s side there is a male who you do not have to introduce to lovers of the breed -ASHLAREN Caipiroska ?Oska?, coming from an Australian breeding kennel.
During his stay in Poland (2006-2008) he conquered the European show
rings, thus becoming one of the most recognised Weimaraners in recent years.
The pedigree of the Sire ?Clifford? combines some of the best Weimaraner lines.
He?s the grandson of the two exceptional dogs Multi CH, National BOB Winner'05, Top producing sire'05 Nani's Indecent Exposure and
Multi CH, World Winner' 01 Nani's James Robert